We are a large group of people (Wearside Smallholders) who rent allotments from Sunderland City Council, at a site on Shields Road that has existed for around 50 years after a previous site was relocated to make way for Monkwearmouth Comprehensive School and incorporated with an existing allotment site on Shields Road.
The allotments are self-managed by a Committee selected from smallholders, and consists of 344 plots.
An annual rent is paid by each plot holder, to Sunderland Council (the owner of the site).
Water rates are included in a 'Rent fee' that is set and announced at the AGM.
The Rent Manager collects this for the Committee - details are publicised when it is due for collection, and how/where/when it can be paid.
The Committee maintains and develops the site; oversees individuals' compliance with their tenancy agreement with the Council; collects rents, leases and manages tenancies for allotment plots.
As well as leasing plots to individuals (resident in Sunderland) the Committee also supports local charities with leases to community groups to help them in their work such as, health and wellbeing; rehabilitation; inclusion; skills and employability training.
We look after our own community as well, and hold events and competitions throughout the year for allotment holders and their families.
We maintain this website and a Facebook page, to inform and engage allotmenteers.
The Committee and site management is made up of volunteers - responses to email etc. may be slow as the time they commit to managing the site has to be balanced with their private lives and responsibilities which may be unpredictable.
The Benefits of Allotment Gardening
Provides fresh, affordable produce
Builds a sense of community
Physical and Mental health
Food miles
crafts alive
Want to Allotment Garden?
If you are interesed in becoming a plot-holder at the site, please contact us using this email address shieldsroadallotments@yahoo.com
You will be added to our waiting list and we will use your contact telephone number to let you know when a plot becomes available.
You can also apply to the Council to be on its waiting list for plots at other sites at the same time.
An annual rent is paid to the Council, plus an annual water rates charge - this is collected by the Committee (the amount established at the time of our Annual General Meeting).
You will be expected to sign the Council's Tenant's Agreement and the Association's Livestock Agreement both of which can be viewed in the Rules section if this website.
Already an
Please use the navigation banner to access the information you need:
-Allotment Management - Details of the Committee and what it does, Minutes of Meetings etc.
Rules - The important regulations and guidleines we need to follow
Community - (in development) a place to share gardening and cooking ideas, and information about community activities
News - important new information from the Committte.
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