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You MUST be resident in Sunderland and pay your Council Tax to the City of Sunderland before your application can be accepted.  We take appcation information in good faith, but falsified information would result in immediate eviction.


To avoid dissapointment, South Tyneside residents living in East Boldon, Cleadon etc. with an SR postcode, should be aware that they should be applying to South Tyneside Council.


Residents with non SR postcodes who are actual Sunderland Residents should not be disuaded.





If you apply via our email address, please realise that an immediate response is not possible - emails are dealt with in bulk at appropriate times.  However you will receive a confirmatory email and your application date will be when your application email with details, was sent to us.


Your details needed include - full name, address, postcode, and contact telephone number.


You will be added to the waiting list with the date of your application recorded - this will establish you in the right place in the queue.


Please keep us informed of your correct contact telephone number (if it changes) as this is how you will be contacted when a plot is available.





This is administered vigourously.  


Our Rent Manager manages this and contacts applicants (always through contact telephone numbers - so please keep this up to date) when a plot is available and you are at the top of the list.


If you reject an available plot  (or do not respond) you will be removed from the list at that time, or returned to the bottom if you subsequently get in touch.


People who already have plots and wish to move (or to take on an additional plot) must also follow the same proceedure i.e. apply to the list, wait for their position at the top of the list, and be offered the plots available plots at that time.






It is difficult to provide an estimate of waiting time, but as a rough guide, applicants should expect to wait at least 1 year before contact (so it is very important that you keep us informed of any contact telephone number changes).


If you want to check your position on the waiting list you should contact the Rent Manager (click here)






We only manage the waiting list for this site.


Therefore if you wish to apply to Sunderland CIty Council for a plot on any of the many other Council allotment sites, please feel free.   


You can remain on our waiting list and the Council's waiting list at the same time.


However, please let us know if you are accomodated there and need to be removed from our list.













You can:


Email us at:


Write to us at: F.A.O. The Secretary, Wearside Smallholders and Allotments (PO Collection box)


Business mail should be sent to the Secretary or Treasurer (contact us for mail address)


Follow us at:  Facebook.   Wearsidesmallholders




Shields Road Allotments, Shields Road, Seaburn Dene,

Sunderland, SR6 8ND


© 2020 by ShieldsRoadAllotments,  Proudly created with

Emails will be read by a third party in confidence and passed on to the Secretary or Rent  Manager as appropriate.


Letters will only be opened by the Secretary (again names are confidential).


However, please ensure that you include your name and plot number (and sign your letter if writing) so that the Secretary or the Committee is able to act on your corespondence.


Letters should be addressed to the Secretary at the address provided.



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