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The Shields Road Allotment site is provided and owned by Sunderland City Council in accordance with the provisions of the Allotments Act 1950 and its amendments.   The Council sets an annual rent which it may review annually, presuant with the Act.


However, it is a self managed site, which means that Wearside Smallholders (all plot-holders are automatically members) manages the site on behalf of the Council.  A Committee drawn from, and elected by plot-holders is responsible for matters regarding the day to day running of the site;  applications to join and management of the waiting list; plot allocation and monitoring of reasonable working; enforcement of the Council's Tenant's Agreement; and site maintenance and development.


Plotholders pay an annual rent plus water rates (collected by the Committee on behalf of the Council) and sign the Council's Tenant's Agreement which outlines rights and responsibilities, and the Association's agreement regarding livestock) . Anyone holding a plot should make themselves aware of the documents they sign and their implications.







This is selected from plot-holders annually at the Annual General Meeting.  It aims to meet every month during the active season of February to September, and then as necessary.


Committee members are always available for you to ask questions, and offer opinions etc.   Details of the current Committee can be found here.


If you have an item you woud like the Committee to discuss, or a complaint for it to consider, you should put this in writing (in confidence) and pass this to the Secretary.


You can also use our email, although please be advised that this is dealt with by a third party and passed to the Secretary.  (All correspondence by email is treated in confidence).

















You can:


Email us at:


Write to us at: F.A.O. The Secretary, Wearside Smallholders and Allotments (PO Collection box)


Business mail should be sent to the Secretary or Treasurer (contact us for mail address)


Follow us at:  Facebook.   Wearsidesmallholders




Shields Road Allotments, Shields Road, Seaburn Dene,

Sunderland, SR6 8ND


© 2020 by ShieldsRoadAllotments,  Proudly created with

Emails will be read by a third party in confidence and passed on to the Secretary or Rent  Manager as appropriate.


Letters will only be opened by the Secretary (again names are confidential).


However, please ensure that you include your name and plot number (and sign your letter if writing) so that the Secretary or the Committee is able to act on your corespondence.


Letters should be addressed to the Secretary at the address provided.



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